• fantasy,  WIP,  writing

    More process than product.

    I have been editing a book for longer than I’ve been writing it. Such is the way of things. But I am seven chapters from the end of The Aldersgate, and looking at my collected chapters in Scrivener gives me a very warm sense of accomplishment. I’m hitting the home stretch, and yesterday when I went to visit my husband…

  • fantasy,  geek,  review,  television

    TV Review: Legend of the Seeker

    Let’s clear something up first. I’m not an avid TV watcher. I don’t stake out stations like I used to, planning my evenings around programming. When I watch a show, it’s usually on DVD and most likely cancelled–a la Firefly–or on its way out, like Battlestar Galactica. And my route to the show usually involves someone, like in the case…

  • blog,  geek,  WIP,  writing

    Living with a writer.

    I sometimes wonder what it’s like dealing with me. I mean, being a writer and immersing yourself in imaginary and weird worlds (and sometimes… universes, omniverses, and fractalverses) is by no stretch a “normal” thing to do. My kid, sure, he’s two, and he probably thinks what I do is normal. But how do I explain to him what’s going…

  • blog

    New Header!

    Huzzah. It’s amazing what one little (even if totally mediocre) change can do to a standard lookin’ WordPress page. A little nifty. And a visual pun! Granted, it’s an exploding world, but still…

  • blog,  geek

    Your Twitter friends

    Ah, the wonderful world of Twitter. For the last year or so, I’ve found myself addicted, obsessed, and entertained by this new media darling. But over this time, I’ve also noticed some patterns emerging, and bordering on hilarity. Of course, nothing should be inferred or implied. Any similarity to those living or dead (save for @wilw!) is entirely coincidental. And…

  • fantasy,  WIP,  writing

    Ringing the WIP.

    I’m working on something right now, something I started during my horrific cold the last few weeks. I’m purposely taking a bit of a break from AGC (no worries, Alderpod listeners; I have plenty of chapters yet to read, so y’all won’t notice the difference) to work on this WIP, which is a project I’ve actually been contemplating since I…

  • blog

    Excuse the uglies.

    Clearly I haven’t yet had time to tinker with the look and feel of this website. I have grand plans for it, but hope that in the mean time you’ll visit for the pure AWESOME of the content. Not to mention that many of you read this site through an aggregator of some sorts, I don’t feel that there’s a…

  • blog,  writing

    The creativity curve, and time for the cure.

    Creativity is a fickle little brat. You know, I try my best to be disciplined. Okay, that’s a blatant lie. Let me try this again. I’m not good at being disciplined, but I occasionally make the effort to do more than write whenever I feel like it. I write when I can. And what exactly the magic mix that entices…

  • blog,  geek,  podcast,  Uncategorized,  writing

    A quick word from our sponsors.

    Well, hello there. A quick first post. This is my new home on the web, intended to be a little more free-form than my other blog, which of course you can find over at The Aldersgate Cycle. What will you find here? Well, first and foremost this is a blog about writing. Secondly, it’s about being a geek. Thirdly, it’s…