• blog,  geek,  writing

    My path to girl geekdom.

    Yellow, not pink. Shel Silverstein, not Mother Goose. Dad on guitar, not songs on tape. Unicorns, not horses. Galaga, not Ga-Ga dolls. Muppets, not puppets. TMBG, not DMB. Fraggles, not ruffles. Wrinkles in Time, not Babysitter Clubs. Crusher, not crushes (but: crushes on Crusher) Ant farms, not petting zoos. Home-made, not Little Debbie. Poe, not a poser. Science, not social, experiments. Renn, not savoir, faire. News Radio, not Friends. Kids in the Hall, not SNL. Bald Eagles, not American Eagle. The Next Generation, not Generation X. Smoking hobbits, not smoking habits. “ooh!” not “eww!” Mallrats, not actual malls. d20s, not detention. Fangirl, not fanclub. “Bloody Mary” – not Bloody Maries.…