blog,  geek,  writing

My path to girl geekdom.

Me, at 15, as Bloody Mary in "South Pacific" - that is indeed a dogbone in my hair.
  • Yellow, not pink.
  • Shel Silverstein, not Mother Goose.
  • Dad on guitar, not songs on tape.
  • Unicorns, not horses.
  • Galaga, not Ga-Ga dolls.
  • Muppets, not puppets.
  • TMBG, not DMB.
  • Fraggles, not ruffles.
  • Wrinkles in Time, not Babysitter Clubs.
  • Crusher, not crushes (but: crushes on Crusher)
  • Ant farms, not petting zoos.
  • Home-made, not Little Debbie.
  • Poe, not a poser.
  • Science, not social, experiments.
  • Renn, not savoir, faire.
  • News Radio, not Friends.
  • Kids in the Hall, not SNL.
  • Bald Eagles, not American Eagle.
  • The Next Generation, not Generation X.
  • Smoking hobbits, not smoking habits.
  • “ooh!” not “eww!”
  • Mallrats, not actual malls.
  • d20s, not detention.
  • Fangirl, not fanclub.
  • “Bloody Mary” – not Bloody Maries.
  • Tackle, not make-up, boxes.
  • Accordions. Just accordions.
  • Sleepless knights, not sleepless nights.
  • All-stars on my feet, not my jacket.
  • Right-clicks, not the right cliques.
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