World keeps turning, words keep churning…

I have not been a good blogger. But then again, I haven’t written much fiction. There have been lots of articles in the week, true, over at GeekMom and Geeks Are Sexy and whatnot. But the last month–in fact, all of February, which is an historically cruddy month as it is–was horrible. Horrible really doesn’t begin to express, really. My family suffered the loss of an amazing friend, a young man who grew up with my sister and me (and was indeed, her best friend in the world). I met him when he was 10, and had to see him leave at 29. A freak infection that took his life in a matter of days. Traveling to Massachusetts was somber and depressing, and honestly I still haven’t recovered.
Thankfully spring is on the way.
I would combat the malaise with writing, but there hasn’t been much time for that. We’re moving. Which is a source of excitement (more space!) and horror (I. hate. moving. like. so. much.). I packed the first two boxes today. Oddly it’s done nothing to help with all my anxiety. 😛
That, and the novel is causing me troubles. I’ve been griping a bit about it on various social networks, but the basis for my befuddlement has to do with writing a novel that takes place in an alternate world. Those who’ve read Pilgrim of the Sky will recognize the setting as Second World. But even though the book takes place between the (equivalent) late-18th/early-19th century, I basically have to rewrite the entirety of Western History to suit the aims and focus of the book. I also have to dial back the Anglo-Saxon influence in England (they’re there, just different) which requires changing of town names, etc., and making as much sense as I can.
Ultimately this means I’m only chipping away at my word count around 200 words a day (if that) while spending the other time entrenched reading research. For instance! Yesterday I read a good chunk of Dorothy Wordsworth’s travel journals, learned about “Walking” Stewart, spent a good while researching the Native American history of Kentucky (particularly around Louisville), Xerxes, Esther, the history of Greece and Rome, and futzed about for far too long with various calendar systems from the ancient world.
As you do.
So, while I’d love to be writing more here, there’s a chance that simply won’t happen for a few weeks. I’m also interviewing for jobs and trying to put life in order. Though, the more I think about it the less I feel it’s about order and simply about flexibility. The only constant is change, right?