Laziness is Nothing More Than the Habit of Resting Before You Get Tired.
Nascetur netus, nascetur ante elit sodales. Placerat class ante lacus consequat sapien ornare ligula purus justo, arcu felis elementum inceptos. Sociis aenean vestibulum eget ad. Ullamcorper fermentum ligula curabitur nascetur platea. Inceptos nonummy lobortis scelerisque, dictum malesuada a metus feugiat velit netus suscipit pretium
Over and under and round about; thoughts on villains
Well, the book is almost done. It’s nearing the end. The body count is high. There was a scene with monsters made of quicksilver, and then ignited mercury vapor and lightning and flayed people hanging from the ceiling of a decrepit Roman bath. But while that’s all very interesting, I’m thinking about villains. I’ve never liked simple villains. Being evil for evil’s sake just doesn’t do much for me. And especially in this book, I had a deep and abiding desire to make villains that aren’t always villains. Friends who turn. People who go mad. Deals done wrong. Because while harm is a choice, circumstance is a great catalyst. No…