Visiting the Hmm Collective – Podcast
A few weeks ago, through one of my #ThreadTalks, I was contacted by the lovely ladies of The Hmm Collective. At the time, they were mostly interested in talking about my writing career and whatnot, but then they got a hold of Queen of None and the plan for the podcast abruptly shifted.
I had such a delightful time with Sanchi and Ashvni, and although Paullomi couldn’t make it she provided some truly stunning fan art of Hwyfar for the cover!
The conversation was wide-ranging, and I was absolutely flabbergasted at their close, insightful readings of the text. My hosts are both so brilliant and so passionate, and even so, the episode felt much more like a meeting between friends than a formal interview, and I mean that in the best way possible. I’ve conducted some interviews where that’s absolutely not the case.
Also, they’re all rather besotted with Hwyfar, and that’s just the best. You hope, when you take up something like an Arthurian re-telling, that your own additions to the story might resonate. I had this rather rushing realization the other day that my story is some folks’ first King Arthur story. And Hwyfar will be there. That’s a big scabbard to fill. But I have a feeling she’ll do just fine…
One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Ashvni talked about how she recognized motifs in my story that are from common stories in Indian culture, and that was just so beyond cool. One of the reasons I love studying and writing about myth so much is that it truly does connect us–the threads of our tales all follow back to a similar source, even if time has spread us apart.
Thank you so much to Ashvni, Sanchi, and Paullomi! And be sure to follow the Hmm Collective podcast!
Also, watch this space for a Queen of None-related announcement coming later this week… ahem.