pilgrim of the sky

Pilgrim is the GeekMom Book of the Month at Goodreads!

That’s right. If you’ve been waiting to talk about Pilgrim of the Sky, now is your chance. I’m thrilled that the book was chosen as the Goodreads book of May for the GeekMom Book Club over at Goodreads*, and the conversation has already begun. Don’t worry if you’re not a mom, it’s not a requirement!

If you haven’t picked up the book yet, it’s available at the Candlemark & Gleam Website, at Amazon, and at Barnes & Noble (Kindle and Nook included).

As a bonus, I’m hoping to hold a Google Hangout at the end of the month to talk to the readers of the group and answer questions, and we may even do a Twitter event (depending upon when exactly my little squirmy bundle of joy decides to grace us with her presence).

*And in other tangentially related news, we’ve just announced that GeekMom is to become part of Wired.com. How cool is that?! I couldn’t be prouder.

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