publication,  steampunk

“Dead’s End to Middleton”

My short story, “Dead’s End to Middleton” is available at Crossed Genres–as of yesterday, in their Steampunk themed issue. It’s got steampunk technology, and guns, and aliens, and explosions. Should be entertaining, anyway! With the moving and whatnot, I’m a little delayed, I’m afraid! Ah, well. There’s some great stories in the issue, and Crossed Genres is well worth taking a look. Exciting to finally see this story go live, that’s for sure.


  • Steve Perpitch-Harvey

    I just stumbled across “Dead’s End to Middleton” yesterday, and really enjoyed it! Any chance of reading about more of the Sutherland Girls’ adventures in your other work?

    • Natania

      There is a bit of a project in the works with the girls. I’ll keep you posted as to what happens! I’m glad you enjoyed the story. It was a blast to write. 🙂 (Um, literally.)

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