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Queen of None is Out Today!

You’d think that I didn’t write for a living by how hard it is to put my feelings into words right now. Yes, every book is special. Yes, I want you to buy all my books. But Queen of None is special in a lot of ways, for many reasons, that other books aren’t.

First of all, it’s one of the first books I chronicled writing. Right here on this blog. From the beginning, I had a lot of apprehension. I’ve read most of the big Arthurian books, and I definitely felt a little (okay a lot) unworthy of taking up the mantle of that particular section of the genre.

Also? When I first started writing the book, I was just coming out of major postpartum depression and dealing with my sister’s cancer diagnosis. It’s a lot. Some books are personal. Some are our way out. Some are both.

Now, the book has had tens of thousands of edits. Huge portions have shifted and changed. But the core of the story is still the same. It’s still Anna’s tale. And it’s resonated with reviewers like I never imagined it would.

This is the story of a mother. The is the story of a woman. This is a story of a person who history tried very hard to forget. And I’m proud that it’s found a home and an audience.

Order Queen of None Today

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