Masks and Malevolence/Time and Temper are Long-Listed for the Manly Wade Wellman Award!
So, yeah, the world feels a little (OKAY A LOT) off-kilter right now, but I would be remiss not to mention that two (two!) of my books are long-listed for the Manly Wade Wellman Award! Their little sister, Frost & Filigree, was a finalist once, as well. That’s some kind of hat-trick. A very lovely hat, but it’s probably hiding some snakes and poisonous flowers…
At any rate, I’m in some fantastic company along with Gail Z. Martin, John Hartness, Michael Williams, T. Frohock, T. Kingfisher, and many others. In a month, we’ll hear the shortlist — but truly, verily, this is just a nice bit of good news in a very difficult time. I’m going to make myself a cup of tea and wander around in my garden a bit.
I have Other Things to Say, but right now… just this. I’m fine, my family is fine, but my heart is absolutely broken right now. I’m trying to write my way out as much as possible, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Cinderglow gets drafted this week. I began the book in 2016 as my own way to deal with privilege, systemic racism, and oppression. It’s difficult to write, but it’s work that needs to be done. So, the plan is words, resistance, tea, and gardening. I want to look away, but I won’t.
Stay safe. Be strong. Black Lives Matter.
“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”
Zora Neal Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

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