Rock Revival is Here!
It’s a bit late in the day over here, but the day is not quite over. Today, Rock Revival makes its way into the world.
It’s hard to encapsulate just what it feels like to put a book out like this. Technically, it’s my second published novel, but it’s my first non-genre novel, so it’s a bit like starting all over again. Genre has been very good to me, but I can’t say it’s all of me. Music has been such a deep, essential part of my life for so long, and I wanted to write this book to bring to life what I felt was a plausible story — not just about music but also about the complications of living that kind of life.
At any rate, I have a lot of other things to say about the book, but right now I just want to toot my horn a bit and smile and wait for people to read Kate’s story.
You can add the book on Goodreads! You can order on Amazon! Paperback and hardcover are coming soon… And of course, you can always review, review, review.