people who rock,  writing

My Illogicon 2018 Schedule!

I am so excited to attend Illogicon again this year. It’s seriously one of my favorites. Okay, probably my favorite (sorry everyone else). I have the pleasure of being on 8 different bits of programming with some seriously awesome humans, many of whom I count as dear.

If you’re in Raleigh next weekend, be sure to swing by! And if you’re planning on attending, be sure to check out the whole list!

Also, if you haven’t purchased my books yet there will be plenty on hand! And my reading will include some fun sneak peeks.


Friday – 7pm

Turn Anything into an RPG! – Reynolds
Have you ever had an amazing idea for a campaign, but the setting doesn’t technically exist yet? We have you covered!
Panelists: Justin Hoyland (M), Janet Carden, Roger Carden, Michael G. Williams, Natania Barron

Friday – 10pm

Female Body in Fantasy Fiction – Cameron
Like visual art, the female body has a long tradition of being celebrated (or objectified) in fantasy and genre fiction; what does it all mean?
Panelists: Natania Barron (M), , Julie Steinbacher, Mandy Burkhead, Nicole Givens Kurtz

Friday – 11pm

Sex in Other Worlds (18+) – Smith
How do aliens… do it?
Panelists: J.L. Hilton (M), Julie Steinbacher, Natania Barron, James Maxey, Jim McDonald

Saturday – 1pm

Reading: Natania Barron – Crescent!

Saturday – 2pm

Stranger Than Fiction: Flora and Fauna to Inspire Your Next Fantasy World – Smith
The porgs of Last Jedi were famously inspired by the real-world puffins that lived on the Irish island of Skellig Michael, where parts of the movie were filmed. Join us for a tour of real-world critters and plants that might inspire you!
Panelists: Natania Barron (M), Misty Massey, Michael G. Williams, James Maxey, Jim McDonald

Sunday – 11am

Moving Past the “Tragic Gay” in Storytelling – Reynolds
It wasn’t that long ago that having a queer character in a story at all was a “Dangerous Vision,” let alone a queer character that got to be happy (still weeping for you, Tara). What does the future hold?
Panelists: Ian Muneshwar (M), Betty Cross, Julie Steinbacher, Natania Barron, Sharon Stogner

Sunday – 12pm

Steampunk’d! – Reynolds
Finally awake? Panelists “steampunk” and movies based on audience suggestions!
Panelists: Margaret McGraw (M), Tera Fulbright, Jason Gilbert, Natania Barron, Andrew Greeson

Sunday – 2pm

What Should We Be Reading? – Cameron
You’ve read the “classics,” but what’s next? New stuff comes out every year and some awesome old stuff (particularly by women and authors of color) resurfaces to start getting the visibility it deserves! Panelists and audience alike will be recommending books to read.
Panelists: Michael G. Williams (M), Natania Barron, Alyssa Wong, Michele Berger, Stacey Lantagne

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