watcher of the skies,  WIP,  writing

A quick one while I’m away… 2012 to 2013

Image by Natania Barron - CC BY SA 3.0. I saw no Daleks. Not a single one.
Image by Natania Barron – CC BY SA 3.0. I saw no Daleks. Not a single one.

The holidays, man. That’s really all I’ve got to say. The holidays and unemployment and all, conspiring to make me a mental mess.

Aside from all that, I guess all’s well. (GUH.) I went to New York City. I’ve written a bunch of non-fiction article stuff. I’ve crocheted a ton. I’ve made jewelry. I’ve made fudge and pies and cakes and roasts and all manner of edible and potable creation (including two batches of very fine beer). I’ve done a good job of pushing aside the dread and fear of unemployment and two kids and mounting bills and student loans and just… yeah. It’s a good distraction, anyway. Plus, I have the most amazing kids on the face of the planet. And my daughter, right now, and her ability to smile in any situation, is seriously a daily inspiration. Not to mention I’ve finally gotten into Dr. Who. (Season three, sans Rose, apparently seemed to do the trick.)

Not much writing has happened. I’ve managed almost 10K this month. Which, actually isn’t that bad. But my dreams of finishing Watcher of the Skies in December just ain’t going to happen. And I’m perfectly okay with that. What I’ve written I feel pretty good about. In fact, this whole draft feels more solid than anything I’ve written in a while. And I’m looking forward to sharing this new chapter in the godling cycle with my beta readers, friends, and editors, as the case may be.

I’m not going to write a year-end review post. Seriously? 2012 can go do uncomfortable things to itself, thankyouverymuch. All I’m doing next year is writing more. Reading more. Walking more. Being more. Laughing more.

Allons-y, y’all! See you in 2013.


  • Kate

    2012 can totally go stuff itself. Then again, I think I said the same thing about 2011. So maybe the new year doesn’t like me telling the old year to get screwed. I’ll have to consider my strategy here.

    May your 2013 be bright and bold and full of good things!

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