ThreadTalk is Moving… and Changing – Thoughts on Twitter, Boundaries, and Platform Ownership
You say that things change, my dear For the last 14 years, Twitter has been the center of my writing life. And no single contribution has been as big or far-reaching as ThreadTalk, my fashion history mini-lectures on the beautiful and terrible world fabric culture. Twitter has never been safe; it’s always been a double-edged sword. Even before this most recent crap, countless users (myself included) have been the target of hate groups, threats, and more, just for stating opinions or, you know, existing. And it’s about to get worse. It’s already gotten worse. We’ve seen the writing on the wall. As someone who built my other career on social…
That Time the Ladies of the House of Worth Meme I Made Broke the Internet
Bonus: my 13 year old is super impressed with me right now.
Live Your Beliefs and You Can Turn the World Around
Nascetur netus, nascetur ante elit sodales. Placerat class ante lacus consequat sapien ornare ligula purus justo, arcu felis elementum inceptos. Sociis aenean vestibulum eget ad. Ullamcorper fermentum ligula curabitur nascetur platea. Inceptos nonummy lobortis scelerisque, dictum malesuada a metus feugiat velit netus suscipit pretium
Begin Now to Be What You Will Be Hereafter
Nascetur netus, nascetur ante elit sodales. Placerat class ante lacus consequat sapien ornare ligula purus justo, arcu felis elementum inceptos. Sociis aenean vestibulum eget ad. Ullamcorper fermentum ligula curabitur nascetur platea. Inceptos nonummy lobortis scelerisque, dictum malesuada a metus feugiat velit netus suscipit pretium
That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger
Nascetur netus, nascetur ante elit sodales. Placerat class ante lacus consequat sapien ornare ligula purus justo, arcu felis elementum inceptos. Sociis aenean vestibulum eget ad. Ullamcorper fermentum ligula curabitur nascetur platea. Inceptos nonummy lobortis scelerisque, dictum malesuada a metus feugiat velit netus suscipit pretium