publication,  writing

Gatehouse Gazette #8, with Dr. Adderson’s Lens

Gazette 8Gatehouse Gazette #8 is out and, even more exciting than usual, contains my story, “Dr. Adderson’s Lens”. This little story was originally slated for a place in The Willows Magazine, but we all know how that ended. I don’t write short stories that often, but I really liked this weird little piece. I contacted the folks at the Gazette about the tale and they liked it enough to put it in their next issue! I’ve always loved the Gazette–as well as their fabulous forum and site–and it’s definitely exciting to be a part of it. It’s always nice to have a story find a home. This is also the Halloween issue, which is cool as anything.

One Comment

  • Jenn

    Congratulations, Natania! I’m so glad this story was recovered and published. I enjoyed reading it quite a lot.

    Wishing you continued luck!

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